Kidney transplantation offers hope for patients with end-stage renal disease, providing a chance for improved health and quality of life. It involves a complex process of evaluation, surgery, and lifelong medical management. With advancements in surgical techniques and immunosuppressive therapies, kidney transplantation continues to be a life-saving treatment for many individuals worldwide. Our team at St. Clair Nephrology will guide and support you through the comprehensive process of kidney transplantation.

Kidney Transplant
Comprehensive services offered by our Transplant Team of Specialists include:
Pre-Transplant Evaluation
Patient Assessment: Candidates undergo a thorough medical evaluation to determine suitability for transplantation. Factors considered include overall health, kidney function, and absence of conditions that could affect transplant success.
Medical evaluation for Kidney Donors
The medical evaluation process for kidney donors is thorough and prioritizes the safety and well-being of both the donor and the recipient. It involves a multidisciplinary approach to ensure that donors are healthy enough to undergo surgery and have a low risk of complications post-donation. This process aims to maximize the success of kidney transplantation while safeguarding the health of donors.
Management during the transplant-waiting period
At St. Clair Nephrology, our main goal is to help you navigate your care while waiting on the transplant list aims to optimize health, manage symptoms, and prepare patients for a successful kidney transplant. It involves a multidisciplinary approach that includes dialysis, medication management, nutritional support, regular monitoring, and psychosocial care. The goal is to maintain quality of life and ensure readiness for transplantation when the opportunity arises. Our specialist work in conjunction with your Transplant Center during your process.
Post-Transplant Care
Our post-transplant care includes
Regular Clinic Visits: Patients typically have frequent clinic visits to monitor kidney function, adjust medications, and assess for complications.
Laboratory Tests: Blood tests to monitor kidney function (creatinine levels, electrolytes) and medication levels.
Immunosuppression Management: Ensuring adherence to immunosuppressant medications to prevent rejection while minimizing side effects.
Post-transplant care is a lifelong commitment that requires collaboration between patients, caregivers, and healthcare providers. By maintaining a vigilant approach to monitoring, managing medications, and promoting a healthy lifestyle, patients can maximize the benefits of kidney transplantation and enjoy an improved quality of life.
Our Transplant Team of Specialists work in partnership with the Transplant Centers throughout our area.